

>> Init-AV Application

Pepe Jürgens (concept, interface, coding) und
Kirsten Reese (concept, sound)

with sounds by A. Fabian, J, Jazylbekova, M. Marzoll, C. Ogiermann, D. Teige, arnö

Init-AV is a game with visualized sounds. The internet is the stage for forty-eight loops and sound events derived from Metrage, an audio-visual work by Daniel Kötter premiered at the 'Klangwerkstatt' festival 2005. The player can bring the sounds into play as graphic objects and control them intuitively, in turn constructing audio-visual compositions. Once put in motion, the pieces continue to generate new versions and layerings. Volume and stereo position of the sounds can be altered by varying the position of the objects within the visual control field. Nonetheless the objects' position is not completely controllable. When two sound objects run into each other they influence the other colliding object. Hence, musical chance also plays a role in the game.